Donnerstag, 27. November 2014

Burma: Inland Letter Used as an Air Letter

2 AS inland letter - uprated with a 4 AS stamp to meet the 6 AS air letter rate - sent from RANGOON (2 MAY 1952) to Australia.

Interesting contens: "I am writing you in this 2 annas folder issued lately for local use, as for the other value folders it is not yet out in the post office and it is still uncertain when it will be issue at the G.P.O."

It was this situation that later (Wiegand states in 1955) led to provisional aerogrammes made of the 15 P inland letter and, more rare, this 2 AS inland letter and additional stamps. The provisional aerogrammes, then, were handstamped "Aerogramme / Air letter".

Wiegand, Katalog der Aerogramme von Asien, 2000

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