Sonntag, 31. August 2014

Grenada: Uprated Aerogramme

Wiegand #15 uprated with two stamps to meet the 15 c aerogramme rate to the US in 1972.

Wiegand, Katalog der Aerogramme von Mittel- und Südamerika, 2002

Mittwoch, 27. August 2014

Australia: UK Air Mail Letter Card Used in 1946

This UK air mail letter card, which was the standard air letter form used during WWII, was sent from Melbourne to Hale, Cheshire, UK in February 1946. Correctly franked at 7 d aerogramme rate.

Samstag, 23. August 2014

India: Short-Paid Air Letter

Air letter from Bangalore (21 NOV 50) to Portland, US, prepaid 8 As. Indian “T” handstamp, endorsed “23” (ctms) , US two-line handstamp “Postage Due … Cents / AMF Chicago, Ill.”, endorsed “8” (cents).

Country of Origin: 10 As was the aerogramme rate to US in 1950, so the aerogramme was short paid 2 As.  The exchange rate to UPU gold centimes was 3 As 6 pies = 20 ctms, with 1 As = 12 pies. Double the deficiency 4 As = 23 UPU ctms.

Country of Destination
: 23 UPU ctms were converted into US currency at an exchange rate of 1 c = 3 ctms. The postage due, after rounding up, was 8 c. 

Dienstag, 19. August 2014

Malaysia: Short-Paid Air Letter to Canada

Malaysian air letter form sent from KUALA LUMPUR (7 JAN 53) to Montreal, Canada. Franked with 25 c stamp. Since March 14, 1949 the air letter rate to Canada was 35 c. Hence, the air letter is short paid 10 c.

According to UPU rules effective in 1953, double the deficiency (20 c) had to be converted into UPU gold centimes at a rate where Malysia's international first weight step surface mail rate, which was 20 c in 1953, is equivalent to 20 UPU gold centimes. Accordingly, "20" was endosed in pencil within the Malaysian hexagonal T handstamp.

Canada calculated with an exchange rate of 1 c = 3 UPU gold centimes. So 20 UPU gold centimes were equal to 7 c, which is endorsed in the rectangular Canadian handstamp. The endorsement, however, could be misread as "1".

Freitag, 15. August 2014

Fiji: UK Aerogramme Form

The Fiji postal authorities ran short of 3d aerogrammes in 1947. It was decided to order aerogramme forms, because it was not clear if the 3d rate remain in force much longer. According to Duberal, on December 6, 1947 29,200 UK type air letter forms were delivered to Fiji.

This air letter was sent from LAUTOKA 20 OCT 49 to Pittsburgh, US.

Ross Duberal, The Postal Stationery of Fiji, 1998

Montag, 11. August 2014

Australia: Short Paid Aerogramme

This Australian 12c aerogramme (Stein #A-39) was sent from WANNEROO 7 MY 74 to Hilversum, the Netherlands. The aerogramme rate in May 1974 was 14 c. Hence, the aerogramme was short paid 2c.

According to UPU rules a tax fraction should have been endorsed with double the deficiency (4c) in the numerator and the first weight step international surface mail rate (12c) in the denominator. However, only double the deficiency was endorsed.

Stein, The Aerogrammes of Australia and Its Dependencies, 1944-1980

Donnerstag, 7. August 2014

Norfolk Island: Australia Aerogramme Form

Australian privately manufactured aerogramme form, permit #2, franked with Norfolk Island 10c stamp and sent on 17 MY 71 to Seattle, US.

The supply of the "stampless" series of the regular Australian aerogrammes to Norfolk Island had been ceased with the change to decimal currency in 1966. It is believed that some aerogramme forms where printed without a text in the "stamp box" indicating the aerogramme rate for use in the Australian Dependencies, i.e. Norfolk Island.

Commercial usage, which is very rare.

Stein, The Aerogrammes of Australia and Its Dependencies, 1944-1980 (p. 17)

Sonntag, 3. August 2014

Sierra Leone: Uprated Aerogramme

This is Sierra Leone #18 (issued in 1982), uprated with stamps of a total face value of 50c to match the 70c aerogramme rate in 1984.

The new 70c aerogrammes were only issued in 1985.

Müller/Sehler, Aerogramme Afrika 2012