Berlin aerogramme #5 sent from Berlin (23. 6. 50) to Tel-Aviv, Israel. The aerogramme contained an enclosure, as the item’s weight was marked as 14 g in the lower right corner next to the stamp. The 75 Pfg. Saar stamp was not valid for postage in Berlin, which explains the „Ungültig“ (invalid) endorsement in red crayon.
However, it remains unclear why the 60 Pfg. indicium was crossed out, as the aerogramme was valid at the time of posting.
For an ordinary air mail letter to Israel, the postage would have been 30 Pfg. UPU letter rate plus 2x50 Pfg. air mail surcharge. This would have resulted in a double deficiency of 140 Pfg. for a short-paid ordinary air mail letter.
The taxation marks seems to be a tax fraction: T 6 / 13. The only idea I have about this taxation is that the fraction represents the postage prepaid (60 as a numerator) over the required postage (130 as a denominator): 60 / 130 = 6 / 13. However, this was contrary to the UPU rules of taxation.
No apparent postage due handling in Israel.