Sonntag, 31. Juli 2022

Southern Rhodesia: Short-paid Aerogramme / Taxation Misread in Country of Destination


Southern Rhodesia 6d aerogramme sent from R.A.F. Heany in March 1953 to Cambrai, France, where it arrived on 14 March 1953.

At the time of posting, the air letter rate to France was 7½d. Hence, the air letter was short-paid 1½ d. Double deficiency (3d) was converted into 10.8 UPU centimes (1d = 3.6 ctms).

The 50 F equivalent - 1,67 times the French UPU letter rate - calculated by the French postal authorities suggests that they have read the taxation as 108 ctms instead of 10.8 ctms.

Samstag, 23. Juli 2022

Australia: 40 cent Aerogramme Double Printing of Blue Color

This is the 1983 40-cent "Hot Air Ballooning" aerogramme (Roggenkämper/Russ/Wiegand #64) with a double printing of the blue color.

I have never seen this before.


Dienstag, 19. Juli 2022

Fiji: Underpaid Aerogramme Diverted to Surface Mail


6d aerogramme sent from Levuka (14 MR 66) to Germany. The aerogramme rate to European destinations was 10d. As less than 75% of the rate had been prepaid, the aerogramme was diverted to surface mail in accordance with the regulations set by the 1964 Vienna UPU congress.

Freitag, 15. Juli 2022

Australia: 10c Aerogramme with Enclosure

10c aerogramme with sender’s endorsement „- Please do not fold, pictures are enclosed -“. Consequentially, the sender uprated the aerogramme with a 10c stamp to pay the 20c air mail letter rate to Vietnam at the time of posting (September 1970).

Freitag, 17. Juni 2022

Ethiopia: Aerogramme Parcel Label


This label indicates the contents of a package of 500 of the 55-cent Ethiopian aerogrammes. Most of these were thrown away at post offices when a new package was opened.

In more than 30 years of collecting aerogrammes, I have never come across one of these from Ethiopia. Elsewhere on the blog, I have a similar one from Nepal, which I consider equivalently rare.

Montag, 13. Juni 2022

Berlin: Aerogramme with enclosure uprated to air mail letter rate but with invalid stamp


Berlin aerogramme #5 sent from Berlin (23. 6. 50) to Tel-Aviv, Israel. The aerogramme contained an enclosure, as the item’s weight was marked as 14 g in the lower right corner next to the stamp. The 75 Pfg. Saar stamp was not valid for postage in Berlin, which explains the „Ungültig“ (invalid) endorsement in red crayon.

However, it remains unclear why the 60 Pfg. indicium was crossed out, as the aerogramme was valid at the time of posting.

For an ordinary air mail letter to Israel, the postage would have been 30 Pfg. UPU letter rate plus 2x50 Pfg. air mail surcharge. This would have resulted in a double deficiency of 140 Pfg. for a short-paid ordinary air mail letter.

The taxation marks seems to be a tax fraction: T 6 / 13. The only idea I have about this taxation is that the fraction represents the postage prepaid (60 as a numerator) over the required postage (130 as a denominator): 60 / 130 = 6 / 13. However, this was contrary to the UPU rules of taxation.

No apparent postage due handling in Israel.

Dienstag, 7. Juni 2022

Kenya, Uganda & Tanganyika: Enclosure / Taxed in country of destination

 Enclosures were not allowed in aerogrammes.

Aerogramme form sent from Kampala (15 DEC 1959) to the UK. The enclosure (stamps as per the message on the writing panel) was detected only upon arrival at the UK .“Enclosure” endorsed with red crayon and a boxed green instructional handstamp “LIABLE TO LETTER RATE I.S.” applied.

Taxed as a short-paid air mail letter upon arrival. The air mail letter rate from KUT to the UK was 130 cent, so the item was short-paid , which was endorsed as T 80 IFC. 
The item was taxed 1s 6½d postage due, documented by two green tax handstamps (1s 6d, ½d).

At the time of posting, the UK used its own scheme of calculating the postage due on incoming mail. Double the deficiency in the country of origin's currency had to be multiplied with the ratio of the letter rate equivalent in form P114E (3½d) and the UPU letter rate (30c) of the country of origin.

Postage due = 3.5 x 160/30 = 18.67d rounded to the nearest ½d = 1s 6½d. 

No postage due stamps.

This item has been discussed in the Journal of the Postage Due Study Group, vol. 98 and 99, 2021.

Donnerstag, 2. Juni 2022

Malaya: Short-paid aerogramme form diverted to surface mail

Aerogramme form (dated inside 1 July 1956) sent from Johore Bahru, Malaya, to Redwood City, US.

Franked only at the UPU surface rate of 20c.

Aerogramme type designation and routing instruction voided with blue crayon and aerogramme form diverted to surface mail. 

New Zealand: Short-paid aerogramme form

New Zealand air letter form sent from Christchurch (5 JE 48) to the UK. Prepaid at 6d, the air letter was short paid by 2d for the 8d air letter rate.

Taxation handstamp „To Pay / 4d / Deficient Postage“ but contrary to UPU regulations no conversion of this amount into UPU centimes. No apparent postage due handling in the UK.