Donnerstag, 16. Januar 2014

Malaya: Short Paid Aerogramme Form

Malaysia aerogramme form in unusual quadratic shape sent from KUALA LUMPUR (cds 12 DEC 49) to New York, US.

The air letter form was franked with a 25 c stamp, which was 10 c short paid as the air letter rate to the US was 35 c in Dec 1949. Accordingly, the air letter was taxed as short paid (“T in triangle” handstamp).

According to the UPU regulations, double the deficiency (20 c) had to be converted into UPU gold centimes. The exchange rate was 15 c = 25 ctms. The postage due, hence, was 33 ctms. For any reason, the postal clerk came to a different result and endorsed “27” next to the “T” handstamp.

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