Donnerstag, 30. Mai 2013

Special Delivery

This aerogramme (Greiner no. 5) was sent from GRAZ (cds 27.7.54) to Brussels, Belgium, in the first month of the reduced rate for aerogrammes to European destinations. An 5 S stamp was added to pay for special (express) delivery.

The aerogramme rate to European destinations was 2.80 S from July 1, 1954 to January 31, 1959. The special delivery fee was 5 S until January 31, 1960.

The lozenges in the border design are 9 mm wide, instead of 5.5 mm as usual. The Greiner catalogue in its 1993 (3rd) edition supposes that this varietiy exists.

Greiner stands for Greiner/Greiner, Aerogramme von Europa, 3e, 1993

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