Sonntag, 14. April 2013

"Return to Sender" from Switzerland

This aerogramme (Roggenkämper no. 56) was sent to Bern Switzerland in 1981. The postal authorities were not able to locate the addressee. They even ask the "Fremdenpolizei", an aliens' police department attached to the Immigration Bureau, for help. However, the Fremdenpolizei was not able to help.

Therefore, the aerogramme shows two "Unknown" handstamps. The left one ("UNBEKANNT / Fremdenpolizei der Stadt Bern") was applied by the aliens' police department, the right one  ("Unbekannt / Inconnu / Sconosciuto") was applied by the postal authorities.

Roggenkämper stands for Roggenkämper et al., Katalog der Aerogramme von Australien und Ozeanien", 2003

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