Dienstag, 19. Februar 2013

Privately Manufactured Aerogramme Form for Official Use

In Australia, it was allowed to manufacture, sell, and use privately manufactured aerogramme forms provided that the aerogramme form has been accepted by the postal authorities before. These "permit" or "licensed" aerogramme forms have an authorization imprint, e.g. "Approved by Postmaster-General for acceptance as ..." usually in the lower left corner of the front panel.

The aerogramme form below, manufactured by Andrew Jack Dyson & Co. Pty. Ltd. of Notting Hill, Vic. has the Postmaster-General's permit no. 15. The permit no. refers to the manufacturer not to the individual aerogramme form.

Most of the permit aerogramme forms have been manufactured for private use. Few have been manufactured for official use as O.H.M.S ("On His/Her Majesty Service") aerogrammes. Offical O.H.M.S aerogrammes were available but, with rare exceptions, only used by the Postmaster-General's department.

The aerogramme has a "O.H.M.S." imprint in the upper left corner of the front panel and a  printed letterhead of the Department of Labour and National Service, Melbourne, on the writing panel. It was sent from Melbourne (10d meter stamp, 14. Nov. 57) to Surrey, UK.

Below is an advertisement of the company.

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