Freitag, 27. Oktober 2017

South Africa: Aerogramme Sent from Marion Island

NGK #6 - Sent from tiny Marion Island, one of the two Price Edward Islands in the subantarctic Indian Ocean, and postmarked Port Elizabeth (31 X 48), to the UK. Cachet „Marion Island / South Indian Ocean“. 

Marion Island is not permanently inhabitaTed, but a team of researchers is working there.

Donnerstag, 19. Oktober 2017

Italy: Information Booklet for 1980 aerogramme

8 pages booklet for the aerogramme commemorating the 50th anniversary of the first transatlantic flight (Italy #13, FDI = 10 October 1980)-

Samstag, 14. Oktober 2017

Turkey: Postal Promotion for Aerogrammes in 1968

A Turkish meter mark promoting the use of aerogrammes:

Turkish: Hava mektubu (Aerogram) kullaniniz

English: Use an aerogramme

Sonntag, 8. Oktober 2017

Fiji: Privately Manufactured Aerogramme Form

Privately manufactured aerogramme form with photo „ FIJI BAND marching past the General Post Office“ printed on part of the writing panel.

Sent from Suva (23 FE 73) to the UK, 8c rate.