Donnerstag, 27. April 2017

South Africa: 1949 Aerogramme Used in 1964

This is the 1949 air letter with vertical lines for the sender's address on the back panel (NGK #10), used in 1964. The pre-payment of 6d was not valid anymore, so a 5c stamp was added to pay for the aerogramme rate in 1964.

Samstag, 22. April 2017

Faroe Islands: Lettersheet Used as Aerogramme Form

Lettersheet used as an aerogramme form. Posted onboard of the ship that connected the Faroe Islands with Denmark, documented by the ship post cancel "Fra Færörne". Fed into the postal network upon arrival in Denmark.

Sonntag, 9. April 2017

Southern Rhodesia: 1946 Emergency Printing

Southern Rhodesia #2 The very rare provisional issue. The indicium (a different plate than the one used for the regular air letters) was lithographed on a UK military air letter form (control no. 51-5829 on side panel) to cover the demand for air letters before the new regular air letter (#3) was issued on 25 March 1947.

Peetoom (2009) says that „used examples are thin on the ground and may total a dozen or so. No mint copies have been seen“. He lists eight used copies which were postmarked between 27 December 1946 and 8 April 1947.

This copy was postmarked Salisbury (6 FEB 47) and sent to India. It has not been recorded by Peetoom and is the only one so far to a destination other than the UK. 

Peetoom, O. (2009), The 1946 Emergency Printing of a Civilian 6d Aerogramme on form 51-5829.The Rhodesian Philatelist No. 28, pp. 483-485