Montag, 5. August 2013

Australia Aerogramme sent as Airmail Letter

This aerogramme (Stein A-2) was sent as an airmail letter from URALLA, NSW (cds 25 AP 50) to the U.S. Two 2 1/2 d and a 6 d stamp were added to meet the 1 s 6 d airmail letter rate to the U.S. that was in place from may 1947 to the end of July 1952.

Stein stands for Stein, The Aerogrammes of Australia and its Dependencies, 1944 to 1980

Freitag, 2. August 2013

German Aerogramme Form Used in Australia

This German aerogramme form was used in Australia in May 1961. The 10 d franking is paying the aerogramme rate but in Australia aerogramme forms were subject to a license of the Postmaster-General. Without a PMG permit the foreign aerogramme form should have been franked at the airmail letter rate (2 s 3d). This aerogramme form, however, slipped through unnoticed.